We wish to express our deepest condolences to the family. Your dad was a terrific man. We are so glad we were able to know him.
My thoughts are with your family at this difficult time. It hurts so much when we lose a loved one to what the bible calls the enemy,death. (1 Corinthians 15:26) One comforting thought we can share is in the words of Christ Jesus in John 5:28 "the hour is coming in which all those in the graves willhear my voice and come out." And Revelation 21:1-5 God says I will make this earth just like new and there will be no more sickness, pain, sorrow and death. Isn't this a wonderful promise?
The South Kortright Central School Alumni Association sends out our prayers and thoughts to the Sander family. Wilhelm was from the class of 1951 and was very active with The Future Farmers of America during his school years.
I am sad to hear about the death of a friend and long time customer. My sympathy is extended to his family and devoted brother Henry.
Dad, Thank you for the love and supportive advice all these years. For teaching all your children to work hard and be honest and have a faith in God. Dad I couldn't have asked for more from you than being raised a "farm kid". You are loved beyond these words. Love always your Daughter Lori...