Dear Carrie, I am sorry for your loss. I knew your mother briefly. I am David's cousin. R
Dear Buzzy and Carrie,
Please know you are in my thoughts. My memories of Sue are plenty. From our high school days, cosmetology, driving back and forth to Oneonta everyday to go to work, to the day I got married and she stood up with us, to the two most special days in her life when the two of you were born. You were her life and her life revolved around you.
I look back with fond memories of our times and it fills my heart with happiness, but now sadness that we have lost her.
I am Vickie Armstrong Winkler and I knew Susan when we were children. The whole Armstrong family were very fond of Susan and would like to send our sympathy to Susan's family. Larry and Arletta, Vickie, Mickey, Jon, Reva, Tracy, Laurie and Barry.